Happy New Year. Have An Update.

Happy new year!

Seems as good a time as ever to release the first update to my game. I probably could have done so sooner, but now we've got a monthly release thing going, so... we'll see how long that lasts.

While there's been significant changes behind the scenes, I unfortunately can't say that this update will be adding an overwhelming amount of new gameplay. The biggest change is the addition of new things that you can build - as well as improvements to the build system overall. You can now add stairs (which were in the game previously, but were not available to actually build with) as well as some furniture items.

The biggest addition is the initial budding of the AI system for the adventurer's. No longer will they spend all their time aimlessly walking around.

... They still spend most of their time aimlessly walking around, but that's because there isn't yet too many other things for them to do. But the things that they can now do is: sleep, eat, and talk to one another. For anyone looking to remodel the barebones base map I have set up, in order to sleep, the adventurer's will need beds available (unsurprisingly), and to eat they'll need to get food from walking up to a bar. In the future, their will be a bartender NPC that will be the primary supplier of food. The AI still isn't exactly the smartest though, so they do sometimes get stuck, though.

While the assets and animations are still fairly minimal (the new sleep animation for instance...) there has been some updates to the adventurers themselves. Now they come in four different flavors, humans, elfs, orcs, and tieflings, and there's a new body type for the adventurers, as well as some new hairstyles, and horns for the tieflings. They're still all naked though... so umm...

Anyway, if anybody has some suggestions for stuff that you'd like to see in the game, or where you'd like to see me work on for the next update, feel free to comment. I've got a lot planned, but as a solo developer, my ambitions do have a tendency to outpace my capabilities in terms of time. So it's probably going to be some time before things really get going, but I appreciate all the support nonetheless.

Edit: Oh, also, there are now Mac and Linux options available!


Adventurer's Guild -0.98 Linux.zip 25 MB
Jan 02, 2023
Adventurer's Guild -0.98 Mac.zip 34 MB
Jan 02, 2023
Adventurer's Guild -0.98 PC.zip 25 MB
Jan 02, 2023

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